I advocate a return to civil insults. If you’re not good at it, or have a limited vocabulary, take a few minutes each day to peruse a dictionary or a thesaurus (as I have here), and improve your skills. For example, the Os are rich with high-level slander and allegations. To wit:
- Oaf (n.) –
A large, ungainly, and dull-witted person : gawk, hulk, lout, limp,
ox. Informal: lummox. Slang: klutz, lug, meatball, meathead.
- Obduracy
(n.) – The quality or state of being stubbornly inflexible: die-hardism,
grimness, implacability, implacableness, incompliance, inexorability,
intransigence, relentlessness, remorselessness, rigidity, stubbornness.
- Obfuscate
(v.) – To make dim or indistinct : becloud, bedim, befog, blear, blur,
cloud, dim, dull, eclipse, fog, gloom, mist, obscure, overcast,
- Oblique
(adj.) – 1. Angled at a slant : beveled, bias, biased, diagonal. 2.
Not taking a direct or straight line or course : anfractuous,
circuitous, circular, devious, indirect, tortuous.
- Oblivious
(adj.) – 1. Unable to remember :
amnesiac, forgetful. 2. Not aware or informed : ignorant,
innocent, unaware, unconscious, unenlightened. Idiom: in the dark.
- Obloquy
(n.) – 1. Harsh, often insulting language : abuse, billingsgate,
contumely, invective, railing, revilement, scurrility, vituperation. 2. Loss of or damage to one’s reputation
: bad name, bad odor, discredit, disgrace, dishonor, disrepute, ignominy,
ill repute, odium, opprobrium.
- Obnoxious
(adj.) – So objectionable as to elicit despisal or deserve condemnation :
abhorrent, abominable, antipathetic, contemptible, despicable, despisable,
detestable, disgusting, filthy, foul, infamous, loathsome, lousy, low,
mean, nasty, nefarious, odious, repugnant, rotten, shabby, vile, wretched.
- Obscene
(adj.) – 1. Offensive to accepted
standards of decency : barnyard, bawdy, coarse, Fescennine, filthy, foul,
gross, lewd, nasty, profane, ribald, scatologic, scurrilous, smutty,
vulgar. 2. Beyond all reason :
outrageous, preposterous, ridiculous, shocking, unconscionable,
- Obsequious
(adj.) – Excessively eager to serve or obey : menial, servile, slavish,
- Obstinate
(adj.) – 1. Tenaciously unwilling
to yield : bullheaded, dogged, hardheaded, headstrong, mulish, pertinacious,
perverse, pigheaded, stiff-necked, tenacious. 2.
Difficult to alleviate or cure : persistent, pertinacious,
- Obstreperous
(adj.) – 1. Not submitting to
discipline or control : disorderly, fractious, indocile, intractable,
lawless, obstinate, recalcitrant, refractory, uncontrollable,
undisciplined, ungovernable, unmanageable, unruly, untoward, wild. Idiom: out of line. 2.
Offensively loud and insistent : blatant, boisterous, clamorous,
strident, vociferous. Informal:
- Obtrude
(v.) – To force or come in as an improper or unwanted element : cut in,
horn in, intrude.
- Obtuse
(adj.) – Lacking in intelligence : blockheaded, dense, doltish, dumb,
hebetudinous, stupid, thickheaded, thick-witted. Informal: thick. Slang: dimwitted, dopey.
- Odious
(adj.) – [identical to Obnoxious].
- Officious
(adj.) – Given to intruding in other people’s affairs : interfering,
intrusive, meddlesome, obtrusive.
- Offish
(adj.) - Not friendly, sociable, or warm in manner : aloof, chilly, cool,
distant, reticent, standoffish, unapproachable, uncommunicative.
- Oily (adj.)
– 1. Having the qualities of fat :
adipose, fat, greasy, oleaginous, unctuous. 2.
Affectedly and self-servingly earnest : fulsome, sleek, smarmy.
- Omnivorous
(adj.) – Having an insatiable appetite for an activity or pursuit : avid,
edacious gluttonous, greedy, rapacious, ravenous, unappeasable, voracious.
It’s only a suggestion however, I don’t want to obtrude
and obfuscate the issue for anyone.
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